+ My Good Friday +
Today is my Good Friday. It is the day in 2005 I almost left the earth plane. I am humbled by my experience. For my full collapse seemed to be the only way for my full recovery! And...I chose this? Wow. OK I will go with that.
The trails of pain I would have left behind and did leave behind took time to heal. The biggest trail I needed to heal was with myself and my connection to my higher self, Spirit, God. But...mostly ME. Healing ME. Forgiving ME. Honoring ME. Loving ME. I had crucified myself with my addictions, unhealed trauma, resentments, victimization, and a complete break down of my brain and health.
Damn. Did not think I could get out of this!! But...I did. One step at a time with acceptance, sobriety, community, food, therapy, radical self-care, nature and Spirit.
Thank you Recovery. Thank you ME. Pati Reiss 4-13-2022